Suggestion: Photoshoot and backstage from the most famous movies

Hi dudes! It’s hot here, but let turn your mind away from the heat and enjoy this unpublished gallery from the most famous movies in chronological order. Pay attention, please: danger of laughter and astonishment XD

Frankenstein (1931)

Frankenstein (1931)

La finestra sul cortile

La finestra sul cortile (Rear Window) 1954

Bulli e Pupe (Guys and Dolls)

Bulli e Pupe (Guys and Dolls) 1955

Gioventù bruciata (Rebel without a cause)

Gioventù bruciata (Rebel without a cause) 1955


Psycho (1960)


Goldfinger (1963)

Per qualche dollaro in più

Per qualche dollaro in più (1965)

2001 Odissea nello spazio

2001 (1968)


L’esorcista (The Exorcist) 1973

Lo squalo

Lo squalo (Jaws) 1975

Monty Python e il Sacro Graal

Monty Python (1975)

Tutti gli uomini del presidente

Tutti gli uomini del presidente (All the President’s men) 1976

La spia che mi amava

La spia che mi amava (The spy who loved me) 1977

Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse Now (1979)

Un lupo mannaro americano a Londra

Un lupo mannaro americano a Londra (An American werewolf in London) 1981

Conan il barbaro

Conan il barbaro (Conan the barbarian) 1981

Blade Runner

Blade Runner (1982)


Nightmare (1984)


Ghostbusters (1984)


Gremlins (1984)

Top Gun

Top Gun (1986)


IT (1990)


Hook (1991)

Batman Il ritorno

Batman Il ritorno (Batman returns) 1992

L'armata delle tenebre

L’armata delle tenebre (Army of Darkness) 1992

Le Iene

Le Iene (Reservoir Dogs 1992)


Léon (1994)


Goldeneye (1995)

Star Wars Episode I

Star Wars Episode I (1999)

Il Signore degli Anelli

Il Signore degli Anelli (The Lord of the Rings) 2001

Il Signore degli Anelli

Il Signore degli Anelli (The Lord of the Rings) 2003

The Matrix Revolutions

The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

Casino Royale

Casino Royale (2006)

V per Vendetta

V per Vendetta (V for Vendetta) 2006

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight (2008)


Inception (2010)

Harry Potter

Harry Potter (2011)

Il Cavaliere Oscuro-Il Ritorno

Il Cavaliere Oscuro-Il Ritorno (The Dark Knight Rises) 2012

Suggestion: The flicks you’re waiting for…

The flicks you're waiting for!Ciao ragazzi! Oggi voglio presentarvi i trailer dei film che presto potremo andare a vedere nelle sale. Sono rimasta molto colpita da ognuno di questi trailer per ragioni diverse, alcune positive altre negative XD Allora cominciamo!

Inside Out di Pete Docter è stato realizzato da Disney Pictures e prodotto da Pixar Animation Studios. Mi ricordo i tutti i cartoni che più mi hanno appassionato fin da quando ero piccola: Monsters & Co., Toy Story, Up!… questo sarà sicuramente interessante e divertente!

La fantascienza è un genere difficile da mettere su schermo, ma quando l’operazione riesce, il risultato è sorprendente e a dir poco profetico. I miei preferiti? Blade Runner, eXistenZ, Gattaca, I figli degli uomini… Ex Machina di Alex Garland (autore di Non Lasciarmi) propone il tema degli umanoidi e dei sentimenti che potrebbero provare. Già Her di Spike Jonze si era cimentato in questo tema, con scarsi risultati a mio avviso, dato che il film si è trasformato in una sequenza di noiose e lente battute di mal d’amore. Da trailer direi che questa volta Garland potrebbe avvicinarsi ai miei gusti un po’ più action, ma che inducano a riflettere.

Youth-Giovinezza è l’ultimissimo lavoro di Sorrentino che uscirà a maggio. Già vincitore del Premio Oscar per La grande bellezza, spero che non sia una sua copia ripetitiva ad hoc per accaparrarsi un altro Oscar (il titolo comunque è già bello che pronto in inglese, non si sa mai), anche se stile, personaggi e musiche sono molto simili.

Quale film non vedete l’ora di vedere? 😉

Hello people! Today some good teasers about coming soon films. I’m fascinated by every flicks I’m gonna to show you for different reasons, some good some bad XD Let’s begin!

Inside Out by Pete Docter. Produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. I’ve been loving Cartoons such as Monsters & Co., Toy Story and Up! since I was a child and finally here another interesting cartoon I’m looking forward to see! I bet it will be great!

I love sci-fi movies at all! Some of my favourite? Blade Runner, eXistenZ, Gattaca, Children of MenEx Machina by Alex Garland (who shot also Never Let Me Go) looks pretty good, because humanoids are the technology of the future and this time the plot is based on the feelings between a man and a robot. I hope it won’t be too sentimental as Her by Spike Jonze, a missed opportunity in my opinion, but the trailer is not boring and lazy like that.

Youth by Paolo Sorrentino, who won an Oscar for The Great Beauty, released this new coming soon film on May. Well, soundtracks, style, characters are similar to The Great Beauty ones, hope it won’t be a copy of it.

What film you’re looking forward to seeing? 😉

Suggestion: 11 make-up you’re looking forward to doing on you!

11 make up you looking forward to doing on you

Ciao ragazzi! Oggi avevo in previsione un post su uno dei tanti cortometraggi che, come vi avevo detto, avevo trovato qualche giorno fa e che sicuramente avreste avuto piacere di vedere! Invece eccomi a scrivere qualcosa di completamente differente, tutto perchè in questi giorni ho rivisto Batman Returns di Tim Burton e ho notato come Denny DeVito, che interpreta Pinguino, sia stato completamente trasformato col semplice trucco. Ed è stato proprio in quel momento che ho avuto la certezza di come il trucco sia fondamentale nel cinema più che mai, per permettere ad un attore di subire un cambiamento che lo condiziona nel fisico e conseguentemente nell’interpretazione. E i make-up artists svolgono ogni volta un lavoro spettacolare (avevo visto anche un contest tv a tal proposito). Perciò cercherò di stilare una lista completa di tutte le trasformazioni più disparate che gli attori di Hollywood hanno subìto. E a voi che tipo di make-up piacerebbe provare per un giorno? Partecipate al mio opinion poll al fondo 😉

Hello guys! I was planning a different post from this one (about one of the shorts I saw last days and I promised to show you as soon as possible), but when I saw by change last days Tim Burton’s Batman Returns starring the Penguin aka Danny DeVito, I realized make-up has the best power ever, especially in movies, turning an actor into a completely different character! Make-up artists always do a great job (times ago I saw a contest about and it was amazing!). So I’ll try to make a list about the most stunning actors’ changes ever due to make up in the history of cinema! What’s the make up you prefer to do on you? Partake in my opinion poll below 😉


11 make up you looking forward to doing on you



11 make up you looking forward to doing on you


John Travolta/ Edna Turnblad

11 make up you looking forward to doing on you

HAIRSPRAY by Adam Shankman

Jim Carrey/ Grinch

11 make up you looking forward to doing on you

THE GRINCH by Ron Howard


11 make up you looking forward to doing on you

HARRY POTTER by several directors


11 make up you looking forward to doing on you

THE HOURS by Stephen Daldry


11 make up you looking forward to doing on you

HELLBOY by Guillermo Del Toro


11 make up you looking forward to doing on you

THE DARK KNIGHT by Christopher Nolan


11 make up you looking forward to doing on you

MONSTER by Patty Jenkins


11 make up you looking forward to doing on you

THE LORD OF THE RINGS by Peter Jackson


11 make up you looking forward to doing on you


Tutti questi make-up sono stati fatti a mano senza l’utilizzo di computer grafica!

All these make-up are entire handmade!!

Suggestion: The Five Senses Blogathon! Find out all my choices!

The Five Senses blogathon CinemaLiquido

Buongiorno ragazzi! Mentre ero alla ricerca di quache post interessante, mi sono imbattuta in questa fantasrica idea di MyFilmviews, MovieInsiders e Karamel Kinema. Sto parlando di una divertente inziativa chiamata 5 Senses Blogathon. Tutti noi abbiamo cinque sensi: gusto, olfatto, vista, udito e tatto. Il 5 Senses Blogathon consiste nell’abbinare ad ogni senso un film o un’esperienza inerente all’andare a vedere un film. Qui quattro regole facili e veloci per partecipare; intanto guardate un po’ cosa ho inserito nel mio 5 Senses Blogathon 😉 Vi piacciono le mie scelte?

Hi dudes! While I was looking for some good posts to read, I found this marvellous idea by MyFilmviews, MovieInsiders and Karamel Kinema. I’m talking about the 5 senses Blogathon, a very easy funny “game”. You know, we got 5 senses: taste, smell, sight, sound and touch, so you have to think about a flick or an experience linked to going to the cinemas matched with each sense. What do you have to do to partake in it? Read here to know four easy rules, but firstly I’m glad to share with you my choices 😉 What’s your fav one?


Vi ricordate Hook-Capitano Uncino di Steven Spielberg? Sono cresciuta con questo film ed in particolare con questa scena e ancora oggi mi chiedo come sia mangiare qei cibi lì!

Do you remember Hook by Steven Spielberg? I’ve been growing up watching this scene since I was a child and still today I wonder how is that kind of food!


La finestra sul cortile di alfred Hitchcok è il primo esperimento cinematografico di voyeurismo. Beh, chi non ha mai osservato qualcuno dalla finestra?

Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock is the first film based on voyeurism. Who has never peek at someone from the window?


Cosa c’è di meglio di un bel film con una bella colonna sonora? Ne sanno qualcosa Ennio Morricone e Sergio Leone, maestri in tutte le loro collaborazioni. Non ci sono più film del genere.

Well, what’s better than a perfect film with perfect soundtracks? Ennio Morricone and Sergio Leone rule! There are no more movies like this!


Che odore hanno i fiori dipinti di rosso? E’ il tipo di domanda che tutt’oggi non mi fa dormire la notte! (il video è sia in italiano che in inglese)

What’s the flowers’ smell painting the roses red? It’s the kind of question doesn’t let me fall asleep still today! (Here below the Italian and English scene)


Bene. Chi non vorrebbe toccare Jude Law? Nessuno! Chi vorrebbe toccare quella roba in cui Jude sta trafficando? Nessuno credo! Rabbrividisco al solo pensiero……(eXistenZ di David Cronenberg)

Ok, who doesn’t wanna touch Jude Law? None! Who wanna touch that junk Jude is touching? Maybe none! I shudder at the thought…….(eXistenZ by David Cronenberg)

Suggestion: 10 dresses you will fall in love with!

Ciao a tutti! Non vi è mai capitato di rimanere a fissare per tutta la durata di un film un’attrice con un vestito bellissimo e poi di andarlo a cercare subito dopo su Internet? A me tantissime volte e quindi oggi desidero parlare con voi dei vestiti del cinema che più ci hanno affascinato. Mi sono sempre chiesta quale sarebbe stato il vestito che avrei indossato più volentieri se mai fossi stata un’attrice, ma in realtà ce ne sono tanti per cui io personalmente impazzisco. Perciò ho stilato una lista di tutti i costumi che vorrei davvero indossare se mai fosse possibile! P.S.: vedere dal vivo il vestito de Il Gattopardo è stato emozionante, tanto che ho scattato una foto a sgamo e l’ho postata qui.

Hi people! Have you ever been struck by a dress while you’re watching a movie? Have you ever searched it after the movie on the web? I always wondered what kind of dress I would wear in a film if I had ever been an actress, but actually there are many dresses I would go crazy for. I’m gonna try to make a list here below and I’m gonna make it as accurate as possible. What’s your favourite one?

  • Claudia Cardinale looks stunning in her Piero Tosi dress, acting Il Gattopardo by Luchino Visconti. I’ve got the luck to take a pic of this wonderfull dress during an exhibition times ago!

Il Gattopardo Piero Tosi CinemaLiquido

The dresses you could die for

  • Milena Canonero is an artist (she won so many Oscar in her career!) and I love every work she does, firstly costumes for Marie Antoinette (by Sofia Coppola) playing by Kirsten Dunst.

Marie Antoinette Cinema Liquido Cinema: exhibition in Rome

  • Always worth putting Grace Kelly in a ranking, because she always wins! This is her outfit in To Catch a Thief (Caccia al ladro) by Alfred Hitchcock, a blue chiffon dress reminding the Greek tunics by Edith Head.

Grace Kelly Cinema Liquido

  • Audrey Hepburn is an icon, and she hits the top in Beakfast at Tiffany’s wearing Givenchy. It’s my favourite dress because is not elegant at all, but the girl who wears it makes it stunning.

Breakfast at Tiffany's CinemaLiquido

  • Diane Keaton looks so characteristic in Ralph Lauren tomboy mood acting in Annie Hall by Woody Allen. Even if it’s not a feminine dress, I wanna include it in my ranking because pieces match perfectly up together (Fedora hat, tie and vest) and because I love women with a men’s style, they seems to know what they want from life!

Ralph Lauren annie Cinema Liquido

Ralph Lauren annie Cinema Liquido

  • Keira Knightley wears the kind of dress (by Jaqueline Durran) that best fits on her, acting Atonement (Espiazione) by Joe Wright.

Espiazione Cinema Liquido

  • How can I forgot Marilyn Monroe who made history with her white fluttery dress? Here all that you have to know about the iconic dress!

The dresses you could die for

  • Gone with the wind (Via col Vento) by Victor Fleming starring Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh is my favourite colossal ever. Here below the stunning dress worn by Rossella O’Hara and made by Walter Plunkett. I love that film for its characters, for its plot and for Rossella mood.

The dresses you could die for

  • When I saw Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton, firstly I set my attention to the dresses; Mia Wasikowska looked so stunning in her Collen Atwood blue and red dresses, I think it’s the kind of dress that best fits on Alice’s character.

The dresses you could die for

  • Not only female dresses are the best masterpices in the history of cinema, but also male ones! My favourite ones are Toni Servillo’s outfits in La Grande Bellezza, made by Daniela Ciancio.

The dresses you could die for

Suggestion: 7 actresses you can be inspired by

Hi dudes, girls rulez everyday, but even more today! So I thought to post something special for you women 🙂 The women who always have been being an highlight for me since I was a child were some beloved actress such as

  • Anna Magnani, especially in Mamma Roma by P.P. Pasolini. A tough woman with an hard past.

Anna Magnani CinemaLiquido

  • Sophia Loren: she’s the typical sexy and independent Italian woman. Here below with Alberto Sordi.

Sophia Loren CinemaLIquido

  • Claudia Cardinale, the beautiful girl with the cold heart. Maybe you remind her in Il Gattopardo or C’era una volta il west by Sergio Leone.

Claudia Cardinale CinemaLiquido

  • Brigitte Bardot. I like her duality: on one side she’s the typical French femme fatale, but one the other side she’s smart and loves animals, fighting for their rights.

Brigitte Bardot CinemaLiquido

  • Sandra Bullock. I love her role in Gravity, she’s alone in the middle of nowhere and she find the power to go on.

Gravity Cinema Liquido

  • Cate Blanchett. I love watching her performing Blue Jasmine by Woody Allen. She represents all the shades that a woman can have in her entire life.

Cate Balnchett Blue JAsmine

  • Meryl Streep is a real “iron lady”. Still not can find an actress of her skill.

Meryl Streep CinemaLiquidoMaybe I forgot some amazing actress, but these are my favourite since I began watching films times ago and all that ones embody the kind of woman who daily inspires me. Do you agree with my tastes? Which actress do you prefer? A big kiss for you, girl 😉

Suggestion: Nine shoes that make you a princess!

Cinderella shoes CinemaLiquidoAspettando il remake live-action del cartone Disney più famoso degli anni ’50, Cenerentola, tratto dalla fiaba di Charles Perrault (il vero nome di Cenerentola è Culincenere nella fiaba antica!), Disney ha lanciato un contest rivolto agli shoe designer più famosi: Jimmy Choo, Salvatore Ferragamo, Rene Caovilla, Paul Andrew, Alexandre Birman, Nicholas Kirkwood, Charlotte Olympia, Jerome C. Rousseau e Stuart Weitzman. I designers dovevano ideare e produrre una rivisitazione attuale della celebre scarpetta di cristallo di Cenerentola. A proprosito, la primissisma versione della fiaba era abbastanza inquietante: le sorellastre di Cenerentola, infatti, non si limitano a provare la scarpetta, ma pur di riuscire ad indossarla si tagliano i piedi! Spaventoso, vero? In ogni caso, ecco una rassegna dettagliata dei modelli che saranno in esposizione a Milano fino al 3 marzo e che sono stati presentati al Festival di Berlino. Qual è la vostra preferita?

Waiting for the new live-action remake of Walt Disney’s 1950 animated film Cinderella, based on the tale by Charles Perrault, Disney launched a contest for nine famous shoe designers: Jimmy Choo, Salvatore Ferragamo, Rene Caovilla, Paul Andrew, Alexandre Birman, Nicholas Kirkwood, Charlotte Olympia, Jerome C. Rousseau and Stuart Weitzman. The designers had to find out and design the right Cinderella’s glass slipper for the woman of today. By the way, the right edition of this tale is a little bit creepy, because the Cinderella’s two stepsisters cut off their feet to make best-suited the glass slipper! The entire collection was exibited at Berlin Film Festival and will be in Milan untill March 3rd.

Well, which one do you prefer?

Cinderella CinemaLiquido

By Alexandre Birman

Cinderella CinemaLiquido

By Paul Andrew

Cinderella CinemaLiquido

By Jerome C. Rousseau

Cinderella CinemaLiquido

By Nicholas Kirkwood

Cinderella CinemaLiquido

By Rene Caovilla

Cinderella CinemaLiquido

By Charlotte Olympia

Cinderella CinemaLiquido

By Salvatore Ferragamo

Cinderella CinemaLiquido

By Jimmy Choo

Cinderella CinemaLiquido

By Stuart Weitzman

Suggestion: Unpublished Marilyn

I found these little known photos about iconic Marilyn Monroe that I thought I could share with you. All over the world Marilyn has been always well-known, not much for her movies starring, but more for her beauty and gossip about her. So I’m glad to begin with a Chanel campaign about the iconic fragrance Chanel No 5.

Ho trovato queste immagini, alcune inedite, di Marilyn Monroe, una delle più iconiche dive degli anni ’60, e ho pensato di ripercorrere i tratti salienti della sua carriera attraverso le sue foto e i suoi video più celebri. Chanel ha deciso di pubblicare registrazioni e foto inedite che testimoniano il debole dell’attrice per il profumo Chanel No. 5.

Norma Jeane to Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn had much difficulty to become an actress. First she worked like a model, then in 1946 she contracted with 20th Century Fox; during the same period the famous make-up artist Max Factor and his son Max Factor Jr. opened thier beauty salon for actors and actresses Studios, where Marilyn’s style was changed from Norma Jeane to the iconic Marilyn Monroe, with platinum blonde hair and red lips.

Here below some rare pics shot in 1952 describing a young Marilyn posing in her little apartament in Hollywood for Life Magazine’s cover.

Marilyn Life Magazine 1952Marilyn Life Magazine 1952








Only in 1953 she became a star, starring in Niagara by Henry Hathaway. But that’s not all, because the real movie that gave her the fame till nowasays is Gentlemen prefer blondes (1953) starring also Jane Russell, with the famous scene and song Diamonds are a girl best friend.

Here some unpublished pics shot in her bedroom for Modern Screen with the Chanel perfume for the first time in a photo with the diva.

Marilyn for Modern ScreenMarilyn for Modern Screen








Her first known international achievement? The Seven Year Itch by Billy Wilder and the most popular and iconic scene in the history of the cinema, as you can see below. Firstly this scene was shot at 1.00 a.m in Lexington Avenue, but because of all the crew and the famous actress, the set was rushed by the fans, so later Wilder moved to a 20th Century Fox’s setting to shoot the same scene.

Another important achievement in The Prince and The Showgirl by Laurence Olivier, the unique movie produced by her own Marilyn Monroe Production.

Marilyn Monroe 1956

Marilyn during a press conference for her last film The Prince and The Showgirl

The 60s mark the last chapter of her life. Her last film is The Misfits and in this period photographer Eve Arnold took these pics at the Hollywood Paramount Gallery.

Marilyn Monroe Eve Arnold Marilyn Monroe Eve Arnold






Fashion and cinema became an inseparable couple thanks to the iconic diva, her beauty, her fame, her weakness, her trends followed even today.

Marilyn is not my best image of actress actually. I prefer divas such as Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Claudia Cardinale, Brigitte Bardot and Liz Taylor beacuse of their acting talent and the kind of women they play in movies, always feminine but also indipendent girls, the kind of woman who is not Marilyn in her real life and in her movies. Director Alfred Hitchcock always dismissed Marilyn as too obvious:

Marilyn And Chanel No. 5

Marilyn and Chanel No. 5 at Ambassador Hotel in New York (1955)

“I’ve never been very keen on women who hang their sex round their neck like baubles. I think it should be discovered. It’s more interesting to discover the sex in a woman than it is to have it thrown at you, like a Marilyn Monroe or those types (Sophia Loren). To me they are rather vulgar and obvious.”

Orson Welles’ quote!

“You know what the fellow said – in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.” (The Third Man)

Suggestion: Bunraku

Directed by: Guy Moshe

Starring: Josh Hartnett, Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson

Release date: 2010

Genre: action/thriller movie

Info: the Drifter, the Bartender, the Swardsman from Japan and the crime boss Nicola, the most powerful man east of the Atlantic. Here all ingredients are for the perfect action film: but the most amazing element never seen before are settings and shootings’ style derived directly from a 400-years old form of Japanese puppet theater, named Bunraku, an ancient kind of storytelling with 1m-tall puppets. Guy Moshe toke inspiration by Western and martial arts films, mixing Spaghetti Western with samurai movie genre. Actually it seems something like Sin City, but I think Bunraku is more original for mixing CGI (computer generated imagery su ed for the forse time in Toy Story cartoon) and practical sets to create Bunraku‘s world, using out-and-out Japanese set design with folding paper to create the cityscape or the sunrise. Watching this movie is just like attending a puppet show! And colours in the movie are not only typical of Japanese art, but Wes Anderson style too!

Regia: Guy Moshe
Attori: Josh Hatnett, Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson
Genere: azione, thriller
Anno: 2010
Info: Bunraku è il nome originario dell’antico teatro giapponese del ‘600, in cui marionette alte un metro o poco più vengono manovrate ognuna da tre marionettisti. Il primo punto di forza che dà originalità al film e che lo distingue dai suoi simili come Sin City, è proprio l’ambientazione volutamente teatrale in linea con lo stile giapponese Bunraku (e i colori sgargianti di Wes Anderson), dove tutte le scenografie sono fatte con gli origami (mentre per le scene mirabolanti è stata utilizzata la CGI, tecnica sperimentata per la prima volta nel cartone Disney Toy Story). In bilico tra il genere western e le arti marziali, il film ha una trama semplice con tre protagonisti nettamente contrastanti tra di loro: un cowboy, un samurai e un barista. Non manca il boss criminale, Nicola, costretto a fare il resoconto della sua vita segnata dalla lotta.